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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 4, 2013 4:30am-5:00am PST

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days away now. we'll time that out coming up. watch for low clouds this morning. let's check on the rest of your drive with mike. >> folks, we'll take you out to palo alto 101 where you see a little glow. some of the low clouds clidrift along the peninsula here. the map shows you same area so you see 101 slow through that stretch but you also saw the light volume of traffic. the orange on this map here shows you where some low clouds might drift over 280 and parts of 101 which we just saw. no problems as far as drive into san francisco now that the crash has cleared at that 101/280 interchange. back to you. new this morning, san jose police at this hour investigating a fire at a suspected marijuana grow house. the one-alarm blaze damaging that home located on scottsvi e ville court. it happened around 11:45 last night. nobody was hurt. police still looking for the exact cause of this fire.
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a lot of hurt 49er fans as the quest for six comes up short. the niners unable to make that final score in the waning minutes of the fourth quarter. they lost last night. players were understandably disappointed after the game and so was team owner jed york. >> obviously our goal is to win the super bowl and came up a little bit short this year. but i'm proud of what we've done and i'm proud of our team and we're going to keep working hard and we'll get back and accomplish that goal. >> the team will fly into san jose later this afternoon and then back to the training facilities to empty out those lockers. >> fans gathering at pete's tavern in san francisco yesterday. the cheering cranked up as niners mounted a second half rally. they had a hard time hiding the disappointment with that comeback falling short. >> i'm totally upset.
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i'm upset. nobody better say anything to me. >> we're still second place. we're still better than every other team out there. i said it last year. harbaugh brought us farther in one season than any other coach in years. >> ed lee tweeting out a quote. congratulations to the entire 49ers organization. thrilling season. thrilling game. the entire bay area stands up behind our nfc champs. >> disappointed fans remained calm after last night's loss. 25 people were arrested for public intoxication. officers were out in the mission district early and in large numbers. they saturated the area where vandalism is the norm after big games. a tactic that seemed to keep things peaceful. >> i think they are doing a good job by doing this so that way people are safe that want to come out and enjoy what's going on. >> parking and traffic officers shut down parts of 24th and mission street to try to prevent cruising and street sweepers
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started buzzing through the area before the final play. a clear sign the party is over. and right now on, you can find a photo gallery of 49ers fans, some of the best plays of super bowl xlvii. plus you can get a look at what happened when that power went off in the field. it's 4:34 right now. a teenager is dead and another one in the hospital after they both were shot on a san jose street. this happened late last night. just after 9:00 in san jose near story road and mclaughlin. police say the teenagers were shot near an elementary school. one pronounced dead at the scene. the other one right now remains in the hospital. he is expected to be okay. officers investigating whether that shooting is gang related. this marks the city's fourth homicide of the year. 4:35. there is a possible arrest after a deadly shooting in oakland community event. shooting happened downtown during the monthly community gathering called first friday. bay area news group reports
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police arrested someone on saturday but the suspect's name will not be released until the d.a. files formal charges. one person was killed. three others injured last friday night. mayor jean kwan promised to increase security surrounding the event. three days of meetings in texas for the boy scouts. one of the issues they are discussing is the long standing ban on gay scouts. it's under scrutiny after a boy scout was denied his eagle scout award after coming out as gay to his troop and leaders. they are considering changing that policy to allow individual troops to decide whether to allow gay members. time to check that forecast with meteorologist christina loren. good monday morning to you. >> good monday morning to you. a great looking day shaping up. the weather. that's on our side.
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39 degrees in livermore to start. grab your coat. you won't need it all day. we'll see two different parts to this monday. temperatures this morning nice and cool. we'll hit mid 60s later on today. by noon you peel off the first layer. it's one of the days where we have mostly cloudy conditions to start. by 10:00, the clouds start to clear. onshore flow rather robust and it will increase as we head throughout tonight with showers on the way. get ready for that. we'll be tracking some rain as we meet back here tomorrow morning. 65 degrees in livermore. 64 in concord. 61 degrees in san francisco. your full forecast in just a few moments. stick around. a few things you need to know about before you plan that week wardrobe. let's talk to mike about the drive. >> rain is on the way but things are all right. as far as roadway concerns on your bay bridge. easy, clear drive. things will get busy here. we're sure of that. over at the east bay, 680/24,
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walnut creek interchange moves smoothly. right here not a big concern. speeds just dipping a little bit. light volume of traffic. alongside 680 on buskirk, reports of a car that hit a power pole and live waters may be down. this is not a major roadway but alongside 680 and it may take you down toward oak street and that could be an issue if that's your path toward the freeway. we'll track that and of course the local effect as well. for now, we'll send it right back to you. thank you very much. get ready for more flights. virgin america will start flying from san jose. they will face fierce competition from airlines including southwest, american, alaska and united. this news comes as a welcome move to silicon valley business travelers who have long been campaigning to bring more carriers to that airport. the airline plans to add 15
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workers in san jose. 4:38. oracle team usa is expected to relaunch its catamaran this morning. the boat's new sail is now attached. oracle has until september to practice with that yacht. that is when america's cup race is scheduled officially on the san francisco bay. it is 4:38 right now. there's something new on the menu at mcdonald's and guess what? it's something both parents and kids can be happy about. as the president prepares to wage war over gun control, the new photo of him of gone lobbyists up in arms. the investigation continues into a deadly bus crash in southern california here. we'll have all of the details coming up next.
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welcome back, everyone. a good monday morning to you. a live look outside this time from the south bay. look at the lights all aglow. a beautiful start to a monday morning. 4:42 right now. entrepreneurial school in san mateo could get the go ahead to expand tonight. draper university has been up and running since last september. here is video of some of the classrooms from the university's website. the school was started by
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venture capitalist tim draper and is run out of the benjamin franklin hotel on third street in san mateo. draper wants to expand the university to other buildings, create a campus that he hopes will revitalize the downtown area. the planning commission has approved that proposal, which is set to go before the city council tonight. 4:42 right now. let's check back in with meteorologist christina loren who has some good news for us starting a monday to help us jump-start our engines. >> good news it's monday. not good news. good morning to you. it's not that bad. you can imagine though there are going to be a lot of people finishing up their night and a lot of people still a little groggy from watching that super bowl. give yourself plenty of time. that fog is not going to help you out on the bay bridge but take a look at those lights. just spectacular this morning as they test them out. 39 degrees in livermore to start. 41 degrees in san jose. 35, good morning to you, gilroy. temperatures nice for one more day and then they tumble. break out that umbrella. we're watching thick fog develop
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in the north bay this morning. and that fog is going to be factor until about 10:00 to 11:00 and at the coastline you won't get out of it in parts. we'll talk about that coming up. stop the clock at noon getting sunshine for a couple hours even in san francisco. however, you are going to see fog bank situated over daly city just about all day long. highs are going to be much cooler at the coast as a result. we're still going to hit warm highs in livermore. 65 degrees for you today. 65 in gilroy. 63 in santa theresa. temperatures will stay mild. they will be back to new orleans for this time of year. mid 50s. low 60s. thursday we bring in showers. friday into saturday, drying you out just in time for the upcoming weekend. 4:44. back to you, jon and laura. >> thank you very much. big-time changes right now for your kids' happy meal. attention parents and hungry kids. plus, investors looking to build on a strong friday when the dow closed above 14,000 for the
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first time since october 2007. for all the news before the bell, we turn it over to bertha coombs live at cnbc word headquarters. >> good morning, jon. the futures are slightly lower this morning. the dow closed above 14,000 on friday as you mentioned for the first time in about six years. investors reacting to stronger than expected reports on manufacturing and auto sales. reports on the service sector, productivity and consumer credit. the dow jumped 149 points on friday. we're 200 points away from the all-time high. the nasdaq adding 37. mcdonald's is adding the first new entree to the happy meal in a decade. fish food bites. it will be widely available nationwide through march to coincide with lent. they'll come with french fries, apple slices and a drink.
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mcdonald's says the launch starts a pipeline of adding more variety encouraging consumers to eat out more often. many folks are cautious on spending. back to you, jon. >> fish mcbites. sounds tasty. thanks, bertha. we'll check back with you later on. a southern california highway shut down as chp investigates a tour bus crash that killed at least eight people last night. that crash happened on state route 38, 80 miles east of los angeles. chp spokesperson said the driver reported having brake problems while traveling down the mountain. it flipped over and hit a pickup truck. eight people were killed. 38 others hurt. the people on the bus were part of a tour group from tijuana. today president obama making his case for more gun laws but a snapshot with the president holding a gun and actually firing it creating a lot of buzz
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and might side track his message a little bit. the president will head to minneapolis where that state made a big push to control gun violence. as he talks for more lengt legislation, a white house photo shows the president skeet shooting at camp david. critics say he's pandering to second amendment supporters. a push for background check is gaining steam. >> everyone acknowledges we should do something with background checks. >> it's never going to be universal. criminals won't comply with it. they could care less. >> an ad paid for by new york mayor michael bloomberg accusing nra of reversing its stance on background checks. funeral services will be held today for former new york mayor ed koch. today's service will be held at temple emanuel in manhattan's
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upper east side. president clinton will deliver remarks at that service. he died on friday of congestive heart failure. he was 88 years old. the post office honoring a leader of the civil rights movement. the rosa parks forever stamp will be released. she refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man. the stamp marks the second in a series of civil rights stamps to be released this year. >> nice tribute. one of the performers at last night's super bowl coming to the bay area. we'll have details next. >> look forward to that. reminiscent of candlestick park. details about that power outage that happened during the super bowl. not good. power on the hammer down for fremont 880 moves smoothly here. we'll talk about north and south and give you that overview coming up.
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welcome back, everybody, on a monday morning. how about that? some clear sailing. smooth sailing on the san mateo bridge. remember that it is still very early. mike inouye will be along to fill you in on roads out there. christina talking about another nice day. it's 4:51. new details this morning about exactly what caused that power outage during the super bowl. you catch that one? the power company says the equipment system sensed an abnormality in the system and
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opened a breaker which partially cut off power. the backup generator kicked in to keep the stadium from going completely dark. the game was delayed about 34 minutes. during that outage, a lot of fans say they were simply concerned about their safety. >> i don't think everything is fine. escalators are not working. the people surrounding us were totally drunk and disorderly and awful and i figured if i had to get out from up on the terrace level, i wouldn't be able to get out. some of those drunks would run over and kill me. >> that's kind of how it goes. the utility company says it was due to an equipment failure. as we tell you, for over 30 minutes people were partially in the dark. >> you crack me up, jon kelley. one of the other big buzzes surrounding the super bowl, beyonce. ♪ all the single ladies
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>> she looks great. wowing the crowd during the halftime show. joined on stage by destiny's child. if you like what you saw, you know what? you can see it in person. just hours after the performance, beyonce announced details of her world tour. it starts in europe in april. it will stop by the hp pavilion on july 2nd. >> it was a good halftime show. i thought she sucked the energy and they ran out of juice. >> that's what people said. mike inouye, what's happening on the roads? >> looking really good except here's an issue. roads are looking great. the flat section here on for san mateo bridge disappears off into the low clouds here and those are kicking in on the peninsula. we'll talk about that in a second. first the traffic flow. it is moving smoothly here and from the hayward side no problems. 238 castro valley y easy, light drives as is the tri-valley right now. still before 5:00. we haven't seen the build kick in just yet.
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south bay northbound routes are looking good. everything is off to the shoulder. slowing heading north 101 approaching mckee but just cleared up as far as sensors read. a live look from the same area of the arrows. northbound 101 no slowing or bottlenecks and that's good news and no active lights on the freeway itself. 101 farther up through palo alto you do see another glow. you will see the low clouds kicking in and over here foster city as we look we can't see the folks getting off that san mateo bridge. those headlights moving down toward the clock there on the lower right-hand corner coming off 92 but we can only see just that short distance and normally would have camera turned up toward the high rise but low clouds and fog an issue here and this patch here and the north bay. keep that in mind. be careful as you drive this morning. it will take a while to clear. back to you. >> all right. thank you very much. after a day of super bowl snacking and indulging, guess what? it might have you thinking about healthy eating. the research from harvard shows that when you eat may be just as
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important as what you eat. people who eat their big meal earlier in the day lose more weight than those who eat late. the study looks at europeans whose big meal of the day is lunch. those who dined earlier in the day not only dropped more weight, they were less likely to develop diabetes. some experts say when it comes to weight control, it's a calorie game. calorie equals the same at 6:00 a.m. as it does at midnight. >> it would be a mistake to say i'm going to eat at a certain time of day either earlier or later and therefore i can afford to eat more calories. the data wouldn't support that. >> in a study the late eaters skipped breakfast and dr. foster says that's likely why they packed on pounds. maybe people packed on pizza. a super bowl quest. a goal to deliver three tons of pizza on super bowl sunday.
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at 7.5 pounds per pizza, that's 800 pizzas. a steady stream of orders kept them busy as soon as they opened. >> most people called in delivery. would you want to live in the middle? we have plenty of people here. every driver i could think of is working. >> pizza my heart met their goal by 4:00. >> 7.5 pounds of pizza sounds heavy. 4:55 right now. mayor ed lee lost his super bowl bet and now he has to pay up. we'll let you know what ed lee will soon give up coming up. the bay area city talking about arming officers with stun guns. a live look back outside. that is the bay bridge. some low hanging clouds. fog. testing lights on the bridge. lights look good. i like that in the fog there. more coming up in a matter of minutes. it's 4:56.
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>> reporter: a marijuana glow located next door to an in-house day care center catches fire here in the south bay. i'm bob redell. that story coming up. back to work monday. thick fog drifting around the bay area. we'll show you where it's the thickest and when it is expected to clear your neighborhood. >> we'll talk about how that fog affects your drive. we'll check the east bay coming up. >> reporter: mineta san jose national airport is getting ready to expand yet again. which airline will soon take off from here? i'll marla tellez with that story coming up. >> let's take a live look outside right now. that's highway 101 in san jose. that's near the 280 interchange on your monday, february 4th. this is "today in the bay." good morning to one and all.
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i'm slow on monday. it's 4:59. almost 5:00. thank you for joining us. i'm jon kelley. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. everybody is down this morning no doubt. 49ers faithful a little shaken after last night's tough loss to the baltimore ravens. >> painful reality in the bay area. we'll show you the baltimore celebrations right there packing the streets. hundreds of fans spilling out there to cheer and also climb on top of cars and buildings out there. there's even a small fireworks show to celebrate the victory. meantime, in san francisco, a much more subdued reaction. police in the bay prepared to handle any mischief. "today in the bay" christie smith live in san francisco with a look at how fans reacted to our loss. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, jon and laura. certainly that loss to the baltimore ravens was hard to swallow for 49ers fans. disappointing to say the least. this is one of the neighborhoods that san francisco police wanted to keep an eye on to make sure that fans and vandals didn't get
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out of control. sketchers is one that has been hit in the past. nothing happened at all down here it 25 people were arrested. overall fairly quiet. most of the noise this morning coming from street sweepers and power washers even working now at 5:00 in the morning this is new video we just shot. a few people did throw bottles at police near 24th street. no one was hurt. another person was arrested when he tried to light something on fire over near 16th and mission. san francisco police were ready. they had extra police officers as fans spilled out of the bars in a very somber mood. parking officers had shut down parts of the mission and 24th but most people say they understood why. >> it's all right. as long as there's no trouble and they're here to keep everything safe, it's okay. >> reporter: now after the giants big world series win, vandalism up and down streets here in the mission, a muni


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